
Reflecting on the tragedies of our days….

Reflection on the tragedy on January 8 of the Ukrainian Airlines crash near Tehran….

We raise our minds and hearts in prayer for our world this day, that peace and justice may reign and the love of God will ultimately conquer hatred and violence that we do to each other in our time. True faith and true belief leads us to a peace and love that we have never known in our frail existence, but through faith, it calls us to THE LOVE that first has loved us. Remember, God IS faithful, even when we are not.

Without hope, peace, and love, our “justice” will only be about further violence.

Even without eyes of faith we must recognize that we all represent this global situation, and in that global situation, however big or small, we also represent a global opportunity.

It is therefore, our choice, that even in our darkest moments, or in the pit of despair, to raise our hands to that tender love that is already reaching down to embrace us.

We turn to faith in Jesus who taught us the simple and profound message of love that we keep getting wrong, and who witnessed to us the hope in the midst of hatred, betrayal and violence, and …… Through Him, let the violence end through us.


Fr. Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R.


Isaiah 2 4

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