IGNITE CANADA LOGOWelcome to Ignite Online!

In this time of global crisis with the COVID-19 virus, we Redemptorists and the Ignite Ministry to youth and young adults will be hosting online events for young adults across the world wide web, as well as at our local parishes and mission centres when possible and permitted giving social distancing.

See the following online events in our calendar below.  Bookmark this page and visit us often and take part in the events on a regular basis.  There will be a link to the ZOOM application or other application utilized for web viewing.

Looking forward to seeing you online!

Catch our recorded events on YOUTUBE if you missed a live event!


  • 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
    May 4, 2021

    Tuesday May 4, 2021 7pm – 9pm (Eastern Time)

    Jesus has a pep talk with the disciples to encourage them in their circumstances. How do we sit at the table and allow ourselves to join in the pep talk, and know that Jesus says to us, “You are my friends”.

    Join us for an evening reflection and discussion as we prepare for the Sunday readings for Mass for May 9, 2021 (6th Sunday of Easter)

    Presenter: Fr. Ed Eherer C.Ss.R., Redemptorist Vocation Ministry

    Bible & Beer is a program of Ignite Ministry for Young Adults in Toronto and across Canada. Before COVID, we actually met in person for some time of reflection, followed by a Beer at the Pub! Well, we still get together, and Beer is welcome on the side with participants who join us online.

    ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87869894093?pwd=a2l5d1lnSHZKSWtJYlNUc0lraWlVUT09

    Bible and Beer HANDOUT May 4 2021

  • 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
    May 25, 2021

    Tuesday May 25, 2021     7pm – 9pm EDT

    Encountering St. Alphonsus Liguori, Patron Saint of Moral Theologians and Confessors on the occasion of the 150thAnniversary of being proclaimed Doctor of the Church.  St. Alphonsus has contributed a wealth of hope and compassion through his writings and teaching that have impacted the people of God in his time and in the world today.

    Join us as we learn about this Saint and his contribution to spirituality, faith, love of God and ministry to the abandoned, and how his life and mission continues to inspire the Church today.

    Presenters:  Fr. Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R., Coordinator of Ignite Ministry Canada and the Ignite Coordinating Team

    This event is sponsored by Ignite Young Adult Ministry Canada at the Redemptorists of Canada.

    ZOOM LINK:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85291230559?pwd=M2FkRWh5dTkyMUNwT1RoQUp1NjR1Zz09